Sunday, 9 November 2014

Make Your Smart phone Real Smart

Smart phone is really smart due to the invention of Android.

When Android technology comes to market that’s a new era in the mobile technology.

Android has created new golden history in the world of mobile technology.  This new technology gives wings to the mobile and after this the mobile is really called as Smart Phone.

Due to the fall in prizes of new mobile and addition to this, Android will give a boost to it. Now a common man will be able to purchase an android phone very easily.

So the People will buy a new Smart Phone Form the Market with a pride to having a really Smart phone with them.

But After some months the Smart phone will be a lazy Phone but why this smart phone will be converted to a lazy phone within a few months.

If you want that your Smart phone will be always be smart,

 Then follow the following instructions.

To keep your smart phone smart you need to take care of following things.

1)    Cleaning of Screen

Like desktop or Laptop computer if your desktop screen having more files and folders on it, it will automatically reduces the speed and performance of your Desktop PC or Laptop, same thing applies to Smart phone.

If your smart phone having more icons and widget on your mobile screen then it will reduce the performance for your Smart phone.
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