10 Ways How Gentleman Treat A Women
If you want a woman who is genuinely special, you should be
treating her that way.
Some points to kept in mind while treating your special
Make her feel beautiful:
Just telling a woman she is beautiful, any guy can do
that, this one seems obvious and meaningless. Make her deeply feel, in her
heart, that you think she is the most heart-wrenchingly beautiful woman you
have ever laid your eyes on.
Women are not often as confident as they come across.
You need to reinforce her, no matter what, it does not matter if she just got
stung by a bee and her entire face is swollen like a basketball, she is still
beautiful and you should also act like it.
It is not just in what you say- it is in what you
don’t say. It is in how you look at her, how you talk to her and how you touch
her. make her feel what you don’t need
to say, instead of just hearing what you do say.
Be honest
This is another big one, it may not seem like it,
because honesty should be a quality that you express towards everyone in your
daily life- but being honest with a woman you care about will show her that you
respect her enough to be straight up with her.
Choose your words carefully, don’t express your honesty,
that would heart her felling, but make sure she get a straight answer when she
comes to you. No matter what it’s about.
Kiss her, and not just on the lips
Now’s the time to get your mind out of the gutter-
when was the last time you gave your girl a kiss on the forehead of on the nose,
on her hand?
Sometimes these actions speak even louder volumes than
a kiss on the lips. They show her you what to be close to her and you care
about her. Plus, they are more appropriate in public, so you can show her
Don’t compare her to other women:
There is really no reason to do this in the first place-
but a woman should not be made to feel what she is the best out of all the
other girls. Because it implies that there are or have been other girls.
We are all adults, we realize everyone has a past, but
there is no point in bringing it up. Instead of making your girl feel like the
best girl- make her feel like the only, girl on the planet, because she is.
Don’t miss the little things
or polite) is a common theme and that is because it is a big one often times the small things you do for a woman
are the ones that count the most , because it shows you are willing to put
in effort for her just because you want
to and not due to a special occasion or event.
Don’t let the little things fade the opening of the
doors and pulling out of chairs, holding her hand no matter how long you have
been together, hugging her from behind for no reason- all speak louder than words you can say.
In a healthy relationship, each partner relies on the
other for love, guidance and advice.
Sometimes, just taking the time to genuinely listen to
what she has to say and not saying anything at all – will say more to her than
your words ever could.
If a woman is complaining to you, remember that it
means she trusts you enough to express for feelings to you. Don’t betray that
Start and end your day with her:
Even if you can’t see each other every day, by sending
her a simple text when wake up and before you go to bed. She will know she is
the first and last person you think of every day, that is priceless.
8) Give her massages:
When girls talk about getting a massage form their
boyfriend/ husband it is like it’s some special occasion saved for birthdays
and holidays.
Respect her wishes:
You may not always agree with everything your
girlfriend says or does. But, mutual respect is the backbone of any healthy
Speaking of backbone- respecting her wishes doesn’t
mean sacrificing yours, but it does mean being willing to bend it a little bit
for her.
You don’t always need to get your way. Plus you might
learn something from her.
10) Remember the little details
whether is the date you met, the song that always
makes her cry, that craving for French fries she gets once every 6 months, or
that perfume she loves- paying attention to small details and doing something
about it to surprise her, will show your woman that when she talks, you hear
It shows her that no matter how busy your life is,
despite the pressure you get at work, or the millions of other things you need
to worry about- she holds a special place in your heart and your maid.
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