Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Android Lollipop 5.0 ( Other New Features )

Android Lollipop    VS   MIUI ?
Android Lollipop   and   MIUI ?
In the World of Smart phone users 83% users uses Android Phones. Android is came to market in the year of 2008 with Android CUPCAKE 1.5 and so one up to  Android KITKAT recently Android come with a new OS  i.e. Android Lollipop (5.0) or Android L 5.0 .
In last post I already introduce you the best 5 Features of Android L 5.0.
But this post is about the other features of the Android Lollipop 5.0. The Features are as follows.
But these Features are already May be Present in the MIUI Android OS, so the confusion is that these features are come ……..
From Google to MIUI?
From MIUI to Google?
The first and most important feature is “OK Google”.
1)   “OK Google”
It is the most important and new feature of this Android Lollipop 5.0.  This feature is used for VOICE SEARCH, if you want to open a website then it is not necessary to go to the web browser and type the web address of that site, or if you want to open WHATSAPP or FACEBOOK start “OK Google” and just give voice command to OK Google he will search for you and start the application or the Website in the Browser.
Actually this feature is available in Android Kit Kat but now it is modified in Android Lollipop 5.0 or if you want to Play a song or a video just give the Voice command to OK Google he will do the rest for you.
2)  Double  Tap to Wakeup
This feature is very unique because everyone will love this in features. This feature is used when your smart phones screen gets off and if you want to make it alive you have to PRESS the POWER button and then you have to unlock the screen.
Using this feature, if your smart phones screen gets off then you have to just give double TAP on the screen and your smart phone is ready.

Monday, 17 November 2014

Android Lollipop 5.0 (Best 5 Features)

Best Features of Android Lollipop (5.0)

Today’s smart phones are full of New features o the mobile technology, so the companies are making competition for providing best and new features to their new operating system.

So for keeping his first place Google android launches new operating system called Android L or Android Lollipop.

    In this new operating system android added some new features, but the best features are as follows.

Presently this lollipop is only available on nexus 6 Smart phones and nexus 9 tablets.

This will be available next week for Nexus 4, 5, 7 and 10 and shortly available on HTC, LG, ASUS and Sony Smart Phones and Tablets.

These features will make the operation simple for the users.

The Best five New Features of Android Lollipop are as follows.

1)    Simplified Design

Google added a simplified and simple design to the system and it will be clearer for display or View. They added more attractive animations to the System.

Navigation and status bar will be changed from scrap; there is a facility for changing the color or giving transparent look to the status bar.

Quick Setting menu of Notification will be extended and it will be give the facility of one touch for Flash Light, Hotspot, Cast Screen Control, and Bluetooth.

2)    Facilities of Notification

In android 5.0 (Lollipop) notifications are displayed in center of lock screen so the while unlocking the phone you are able to read the incoming messages and emails and unwanted notifications will be removed by simply swipe out.

Another one is, if you are using any application or playing a game in that case you are able to view the notifications, so each time for watching the notifications you don’t need to come out from the Current application or game.

You can decide the priority of the notification i.e. the priority will be given to the uses, it will be customized for the user and set by the users.

      To Read Other Features Click  Here <===  


Sunday, 9 November 2014

Make Your Smart phone Real Smart

Smart phone is really smart due to the invention of Android.

When Android technology comes to market that’s a new era in the mobile technology.

Android has created new golden history in the world of mobile technology.  This new technology gives wings to the mobile and after this the mobile is really called as Smart Phone.

Due to the fall in prizes of new mobile and addition to this, Android will give a boost to it. Now a common man will be able to purchase an android phone very easily.

So the People will buy a new Smart Phone Form the Market with a pride to having a really Smart phone with them.

But After some months the Smart phone will be a lazy Phone but why this smart phone will be converted to a lazy phone within a few months.

If you want that your Smart phone will be always be smart,

 Then follow the following instructions.

To keep your smart phone smart you need to take care of following things.

1)    Cleaning of Screen

Like desktop or Laptop computer if your desktop screen having more files and folders on it, it will automatically reduces the speed and performance of your Desktop PC or Laptop, same thing applies to Smart phone.

If your smart phone having more icons and widget on your mobile screen then it will reduce the performance for your Smart phone.
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