Android Lollipop VS MIUI ?
Android Lollipop and MIUI ?
In the World of Smart
phone users 83% users uses Android Phones. Android is came to market in the
year of 2008 with Android CUPCAKE 1.5 and so one up to Android KITKAT recently Android come with a
new OS i.e. Android Lollipop (5.0) or
Android L 5.0 .
In last post I already introduce you the best 5
Features of Android L 5.0.
But this post is about the other features of the
Android Lollipop 5.0. The Features are as follows.
But these Features are already May be Present in
the MIUI Android OS, so the confusion is that these features are come ……..
From Google to MIUI?
From MIUI to Google?
The first and most
important feature is “OK Google”.
“OK Google”
It is the most important and new
feature of this Android Lollipop 5.0. This
feature is used for VOICE SEARCH, if you want to open a website then it is not
necessary to go to the web browser and type the web address of that site, or if
you want to open WHATSAPP or FACEBOOK start “OK Google” and just
give voice command to OK Google he will search for you and start the
application or the Website in the Browser.
Actually this feature is available
in Android Kit Kat but now it is modified in Android Lollipop 5.0 or if you want
to Play a song or a video just give the Voice command to OK Google he will do
the rest for you.
Double Tap to Wakeup
This feature is very unique
because everyone will love this in features. This feature is used when your
smart phones screen gets off and if you want to make it alive you have to PRESS
the POWER button and then you have to unlock the screen.
Using this feature, if your
smart phones screen gets off then you have to just give double TAP on the
screen and your smart phone is ready.